Casual Sex definition:
sexual relations not involving a love relationship, esp. brief encounters or an encounter on one occasion

- Figure Out What You Want
When it comes to casual sex knowing what you want makes navigating the sex playground less intimidating. Figuring out what you like is a life long journey yes, but you can still take the time to write out what type of sexperience (Sex Experiences) you like and which ones you are looking to explore.
If you’re coming up short on ideas of what you may want to try taking a look at Tumblr Porn. If you never herd of this ohh baby! are you in for a fun ride and decreased productivity. Tumblr is a great app for sharing photos and GIFs, like anything on the Internet porn is inevitable. To help get you started here are a few links to check out.
- Create Your Standards/Boundaries
Having an understanding of what you will and will not accept from your partner will help you feeling comfortable and safe on the sex playground. Let’s be honest the last thing we want in our Sexperiences (Making it work) is to have major regrets or the feeling of being taken advantage of.
There is no wrong or right way to go about it. Think about how you like to, want to, or don’t want to be treated. Examples of standards can be “I like it when my partner caresses my body after sex” or it can be “I don’t want to part of a love triangle”. There is no wrong answer, just be true to you.
- Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.
To experience Great Casual Sex, good and honest communication is needed. Take the time to share your wants and desires with your partner. Vice Versa take the time to actively listen to theirs. Let’s be honest you are both coming together to have a great time. Be open and honest about what you want so that way you can have amazing experiences that deserve their own Sex & The City episode.
- Be Flexible
Rules are meant to be broken. Not everyone you meet may match up with your wants and desires. Sometimes you just have that carnal desire for someone. To that I say go for it and enjoy something different.
- Enjoy your new Sexperiences
You took time to know what you want, you found a partner, you both communicated clearly, and re both having the time of your lives. To this I say make sure to be present and enjoy the moments your creating with your partner(s). This is a period in time where you are learning more about yourself. A time where growth and self-awareness is heightened. This period of exploration also helps create the memories that cause to you smile randomly in a room full of strangers.
At the end of the day the point of Casual sex is for you to enjoy yourself. Take the time to create an environment and habit of pleasure.
“Life is too short for Bad Sex”